You have now landed at Bittrex International
Over a year ago, Shrimpy took flight with Bittrex. It was the second exchange we integrated after Poloniex, and our team loved the experience of trading on Bittrex.
At this point, we all know the value Bittrex provides to the cryptocurrency community. They have been an industry leader for years and remain one of the most trusted brands for cryptocurrency trading.
It is with the same excitement we had a year ago that we are announcing today our support for Bittrex International. Allowing our global users to take advantage of the wider variety of assets that are available on their international exchange.
Shrimpy’s Mission
Shrimpy’s mission is to develop a universal interface for cryptocurrency traders and developers to easily access every exchange around the world. Achieving this goal means accelerated exchange integration and scaling infrastructure development. Shrimpy now supports a total of 15 exchanges, displayed below.
About Shrimpy
Shrimpy is an automated crypto trading & portfolio management tool that lets users automate their strategy. Configure a custom portfolio and implement a passive strategy, removing the hassle of actively trading crypto.
Shrimpy also offers trading APIs for developers looking to integrate scalable exchange trading functionality into their application.
Shrimpy’s Universal Exchange API was created as a cloud-based solution to address several crypto developer roadblocks including Exchange Trading, Product Scalability, and User Management. Instead of managing connections to every exchange, developers can leverage Shrimpy’s trading infrastructure.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates, and ask any questions to our amazing, active communities on Telegram, Discord, & Reddit.
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