Shrimpy: A Week In Development [June 11]
Welcome back Shrimpy fans! Last week introduced some long awaited additions. Multiple exchanges per Shrimpy account, our early access referral program, small UI adjustments, and the beginning development for support of new exchanges. This week will bring more changes which you may find exciting.
There is still work that needs to be done in order to finish integrating the new exchanges. Our plan is to continue the development for integrating GDAX, Kucoin, and Bitfinex. They will be rolled out to our early access beta users as soon as they are available.
Offline Holdings
The largest feature we will begin developing this week is support for offline holdings. While it sounds like a single feature, it will actually require pulling together a number of features in order to make it happen.
Specify Offline Balances
The end result should allow the user to specify how much of each asset they hold offline. This first implementation won’t support the input of public wallet addresses, so you will need to manually tell Shrimpy your holdings.
Detection of Deposits / Withdrawals
Next is the detection of deposits / withdrawals. It may seem like an unrelated feature, but is actually more closely related than it may appear. With addition of offline balances, users will be adding and removing their offline holdings more frequently to Shrimpy. Likewise, users will more frequently deposit and withdraw from their exchange accounts as a result of this feature support. This means your data will be incorrect more often. We don’t want this to be the case. So, it’s time to add support for this feature.
Blacklist / Lock Assets
We want users to add all of their offline holdings to the application. Shrimpy should be a complete view of your portfolio. In order to do this, we need to allow users to lock / blacklist assets which they don’t want to be rebalanced. This will allow users to select which assets they would like Shrimpy to ignore when performing a rebalance. The asset will still be included in all graph / statistics data, it will only be ignored at the time of rebalance.
Rebalancing Algorithm
The rebalance algorithm will need to be updated to understand all of these changes. Whether it’s to ignore a blacklisted asset or understand the difference between online and offline holdings, the rebalancing algorithm needs to know how to handle all of these cases.
UI Updates
Offline wallets won’t be possible without UI updates. So, we will need to make some UI updates.
Reallocate Previous Portfolios
There have been a number of requests for supporting a way to quickly switch between portfolios. Whether for the purposes of liquidating or simply to change strategies based on market conditions, we understand how convenient it would be. In order to provide support for this functionality, we will allow users to reallocate old portfolios from the History tab.
Early Access Referral Program
We will be monitoring the effectiveness of the referral program. As we see how it performs, we will adjust the criteria for becoming a member in the program. The benefits for getting accepted into the program are also subject to change. We want to make sure the requirements are obtainable for everyone and each reward is valuable.
Don’t forget to read our latest blog post here:
We will publish new articles throughout the week, so leave a comment with any suggestions for topics!
Don’t forget to check out the Shrimpy website, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates, and ask any questions to our amazing, active communities on Telegram & Discord.
The Shrimpy Team